Geoservant 3D | Create solid Geometry in 3D
Übersicht aller RechnerUsing the Geoservant you can create geometric shapes from simple text. For example, input "cube(0|0|0 5)" and you get a cube drawn in the origin of ordinates with an edge length of 5. All available drawing objects are listed below.
Drawing Objects:
cube(x|y|z edgelength) cuboid(x|y|z length|width|height) cylinder(x|y|z h|rt|rb|s|o|β) line(x|y|z x|y|z) lineseg(x|y|z x|y|z) parallelepiped(xS|yS|zS x|y|z x|y|z x|y|z) plane(x|y|z x|y|z x|y|z) point(x|y|z "text") polygon(x|y|z x|y|z …) quadrangle(x|y|z x|y|z x|y|z x|y|z) sphere(x|y|z radius) text(x|y|z "text") triangle(x|y|z x|y|z x|y|z) vector(xS|yS|zS x|y|z "a")Input:
Enter one geometric object per line.
Tips on Geometric Inputs
- Colors: Add the HEX color code in the end of the line in brackets, for example: sphere(3|3|1 2){F00}
- Coordinate Planes: You can show them by adding the line coordinateplanes(xy xz yz), remove the ones you do not need. Add # behind for grids.
- Rotation: Cuboid, cube, text, cylinder can be rotated in x-y-z-direction, simply add the angles (in degrees) in square brackets in the end. Example: cube(2|2|3 4)[0|45|90]
- Animation: Values can be changed gradually. Click on any number value, hold the CTRL ATL SHIFT keys and press cursors ← → for 0.1 steps and ↑ ↓ for 1.0 steps.
- Fix camera position with camera(x|y|z x|y|z). First specify the position of the camera, then the position where to look at. If the second parameter is not given, then the camera focuses the coordinate origin (0|0|0).
- The font size can be scaled for point and text by adding the scale value to the end of the line, e.g. %1.5%.
- To create a cone, choose a cylinder(x|y|z h|rt|rb|s|o|β) and set rt (radius of top surface) to value 0. For example: cylinder(2|2|0 2|0|4|200)
- To create a hemisphere or parts of a sphere, use the extended syntax for spheres: sphere(x|y|z radius, phiStart, phiLength, thetaStart, thetaLength) Let us explain the different values: phiStart is the horizontal starting angle, phiLength is the horizontal sweep angle, thetaStart is the vertical starting angle and thetaLength is the vertical sweep angle. Here is an example of a hemisphere: sphere(0|0|4 4 0 6.28 1.55 3.14)
- Presentation video of Geoservant 3D (in German): Geoknecht 3D - Stereometrie-Programm
- You have another tip or something is not clear? Then write us!
Navigation with the Mouse
3D navigation by Mouse:
· Hold down the left mouse button and move the mouse to rotate the scene.
· Hold down the right mouse button and move the mouse to move the scene camera in 3D space.
· Mouse wheel to zoom in and out.
Variables for the Input
You can define arbitrary variables in your input (one variable per line). Here are some examples:
· $x=4 for cuboid, vector, triangle, cube
· $x=1|2|3 for vector with label
· $y=2 and $x=1|2|3 for vector and sphere
· $x=Test for multiple text usage
3D Gallery / Examples / Inspiration
3D-coordinates of a cube with space diagonal and face diagonal
Create a straight line with support vector and direction vector
Plane in space
Vectors and plane quadrangle
Plane, vector and line and their intersection point
Straight lines with track points
Coordinate planes
Examples of sphere, cuboid, cube, triangle, vector
Examples for text rotation
Example for cuboid rotations
Create a triangle by 3 vectors, complement a 4th vector for a parallelogramm (3 possibilities)
Walked way on the surface of a pyramid
Cone with inscribed rectangular triangle
If you have created an interseting 3D graphic, then send us the link to and we add it to the gallery above.